Can I broadcast tracking without buying a £500 FLARM vario?
Yes! See Get Tracking.
Who built this site?
Neil Charles, an average weekend warrior PG pilot who likes building techy stuff. You can contact me here.
Where does the data come from?
Tracking data comes from SafeSky, which integrates lots of different tracking services.
The paragliding sites database was built using XC League flights. If a few people have gone XC from a hill in the past and logged it on the league, then it should be shown here.
How do I add a new flying site or correct one that's in the wrong place?
Head on over to corrections.
Can I get a flying site moved to a different Telegram group or get a new group set up?
Give me a shout, I'd be happy to talk about it.
Does PG & HG Alerts store data?
Only temporarily.
SafeSky is queried at five minute intervals for the positions of aircraft within the UK. The first time an aircraft is seen, its initial position is logged.
When more positions are received for that aircraft, only the first position and the most recent position are stored. PG & HG Alerts does not store the entire track.
If no positions are received for an hour for a particular aircraft, its history is completely erased. When a position is received for that aircraft in the future, it is treated as a new aircraft again.
Messages in the Telegram broadcast groups are automatically deleted after 24 hours.
What if I don't want to be tracked?
If PG & HG Alerts can see you then you're already also being tracked and visualised on sites like Glider Radar and Glider Net. It's easy to opt out of being tracked by OGN - you can either set the 'no tracking' flag on your FLARM device, or set 'I don't want this device to be tracked' in the OGN devices database. You will then not appear on any of the numerous different websites powered by OGN.
You can also set 'I don't want this device to be identified' via OGN, which will mean that you are tracked only as an anonymous ID.
What if I do want to be tracked?
Great! Head over to the Get Tracking page.